Wednesday, July 24, 2013


    Remind101 - Free and Safe Text Messaging for Teachers

    Do you regularly text? Is this your main choice for communication? I use text more than email, phone or any other source of communication tool. I finally found an application to send a text message to all parents and students (and I DO NOT have to manage the list of names!) that I wish to invite to join my texting list. When you set up a class then you are provided with a text message to join and then they provide the parent/student with the phone number. Once you give your parents/students this invitation which includes the information, you can message your parents/students in one simple step! Check it out!

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Edmodo- a Teacher's classroom online!

I assumed I posted the information on Edmodo but discovered I have missed telling everyone about this simple, basic, online classroom that is FREE! We have used Edmodo in the classroom and as a backchannel for meetings and conferences. The basics of Edmodo are truly inspired! A teacher creates a class (group)  and then invites the students into the class by providing them with a code. The class is ready to receive assignments from the teacher, look at the calendar to view important dates and assignments and much more. The teacher can provide feedback to the students in this great online classroom! Check out Edmodo!