Monday, August 31, 2009

Spell with Flickr

  • Spell with Flickr Try spelling words using visual pictures. I would recommend trying out your name first. You can write your name and then click Spell It. Once you see the tiles with the letters, you can click on each tile to change it to another image until the image looks like you want it to look. Kids love it.

tags: Technology, DigitalPictures, flickr, photography, spell, words, photos

Posted from Diigo.

Sunday, August 30, 2009


  • Did you ever wonder how many paintings you can use legally from Van Gogh's collection? This page has the basic Copyright Chart which will help you answer this question. This is not an all inclusive list of all copyright regulations but certainly contains the basic guidelines for all teachers to follow. This is site is specifically for teachers and fair use copyright guides.

    tags: copyright, fairuse, copyrightchart, library

Posted from Diigo.

Everyday Math Resources from Center School District

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Want to Open a Package Easily?

Ok, my daughter and I communicate.

She called me on the phone just today.

But I learned about this simple solution to opening those frustrating packages from her via Plurk. She is on my Professional Learning Network (PLN). We tend to communicate with our kids today in electronic format more easily than face to face. (My son only communicates with me in text messages) BRB- K!

Anyway, here is what my daughter Plurked today....

The clamshell packaging on many technology items we purchase is very difficult to open. We get aggravated even thinking of opening the package. Here is an article and video on a common household tool which can alleviate your frustration and make your life easier.

The Oxymoron of Blogs

Would you like to hear an oxymoron?

I don't read blogs.

I simply do not have the time.

I tend to read for information and to learn. (Unless it is a good fiction novel!)

I understand why people would not wish to subscribe to this blog since we are all busy. Time is just a short commodity in our lives.

I try to put very short snippets of information in this blog to direct you to information rather than write a dissertation on a topic or my own thoughts or reflections. This blog is intended to provide information.

With that said... I do read a blog called Principal's Page religiously. Here is a sample of Michael Smith's blog on School is Hard Work.

My all time favorite blog from Principal's Page was when he told us the top five things not to do in a job interview. I had to wipe the tears from my eyes because I was laughing so hard. I simply did not think of prospective teachers having their mothers drive them to the interview. more favorite..Swine Flu! This one Mr. Smith did not slop down!! It is hysterical.

Mr. Smith's blog is always timely, entertaining, funny and engaging. I highly recommend a weekly dose of Principal's Page Postings.
He always makes me smile and see the lighter side of education.

Teachers always need more laughter in their lives. Happy reading.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Encyclopedia of Life

Encyclopedia of Life

An online encyclopedia which catalogues over 1.8 million species of plants, animals and microorganisms. This resource expands daily and has a blog and forum. I would encourage you to watch the video tutorial, which allows you to understand the limitations of the search feature and how to navigate the site successfully.

tags: science, biology, encyclopedia, reference, education, animals

ABCya! The Leader in Kids Educational Computer Games & Activities

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

My Bookmarks from Diigo

Just in case you are wanting to try out social bookmarking and find some new web sites, you may wish to check out my bookmarks on Diigo:


Thursday, August 20, 2009

Blogs, Wikis and Docs, Oh, My!

Have you wondered whether a wiki, blog or Google Doc tool is the best choice for your classroom? Here is a comparison chart of each Web 2.0 tool. The last category provides great educational examples of each. Check out this great chart.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Watch this video from CBS 60 Minutes splash on the new generation in the work force. The segment was called, The Age Of The Millenials . It aired May 25, 2008. Does it make you think about the students we teach and how employers have to adjust how they treat these individuals in the work place? How does this transfer to our classroom environments and teaching strategies? Should we consider their styles or not?

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Educational Origami

Someone has spent many hours collecting information on technology integration and built this wiki: Marcia, my coworker, forwarded this on to me and I found it full of information from Blooms, LoTi, and 21st Century Skills to internet safety. The resources are wonderful.

Shiftables Siftables?!

If you haven't seen the video on Siftables on TED then take a few minutes to view these small innovative technologies. Makes you wonder what impact this type of nano technology out of the think tanks of MIT will do to the classroom of the future?

Monday, August 17, 2009


Collaborative timelines? Where people create and post historical events and then share it for others to view. When I tried to find primary sources for Social Studies activities it was sometimes a challenge locating people who had experienced events who would be willing to share. You can rate and comment on the information. I looked up several controversial topics and found the information and content to be tasteful and relevant. I found some pop culture icons as well as historically relevant pictorial content. I found the information cited from reputable sources such as the Library of Congress. I would recommend this as a great resource for high school students to critically view and analyze historical data and events.

StoryStarters for Students

A virtual story starter machine spins and spits out ideas for students to write about. It starts off with the student's name and then selecting their grade level. Then spin and get your sentences to start your story. The students then get to select their format of a letter, notebook, newspaper or postcard.

Tech and Learning Magazine

Technology & Learning Magazine is a free subscription which I read cover to cover. If you have not taken the opportunity to subscribe to this wonderful resource, do so now. It provides you the option to select RSS feeds to your Outlook or other source. Or you can subscribe to the paper version.
To subscribe, follow this link to the August 2009 online copy, then at the very bottom, there is a tab titled, Subscribe.
On the left, it offers you the choice to subscribe to the magazine or on the right it allows you to select the RSS feed option.
Happy reading.

10 [or so] Myths in Your School's Technology Department

A Google Certified, technology coordinator in Colorado posted this fun video. Enjoy thinking of all the myths your staff has about technology services. Can you think of some they forgot to add?

Thanks Nicole Cox for passing this on (another Google Certified teacher in our district!)

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Image Chef site

Try out this cool website called just for fun. It has tons of graphics from photo frames, state license plates, heart shapes and more. You can have your students design footballs with their names on it. When they are studying states, they can find the actual state license plate and then customize their own plate. Browse the site and the creativity will be limited only by your imagination.

Digital Blooms?

I had to laugh when a friend sent me this.

How did they determine what level on Blooms each of these Web 2.0 tools is? I think this is a very scientific graphic organizer!!

Ok, I read the information from the Visual Blooms wiki and it is a conversation starter. I am intrigued. What kind of discussion could you have with someone regarding visual Blooms? How is VoiceThread more Creative than Skype? Diigo and Delicious are social bookmarking sites. They are on the lowest levels. How could they be used to make them higher on Blooms?

Made me chuckle. I want a poster of this graphic. Challenge.... can you identify all the icons and what each Web 2.0 tool is?

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

iConnect iLearn Ning

There is a wonderful resource with many ideas and a PLN (Professional Learning Network) at Kevin Honeycutt at ESSDACK in Hutchinson, KS is one of the most creative, innovative and generous people ever. He started this ning to network with other educators. He has placed many of his creative ideas such as his Web 2.0 keyrings (as seen here on the right!)
Signing up will serve three purposes: 1. get you used to a social PLN, 2. introduce you to a ning, and 3. provide you with some valuable resources.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Administrators NETS standards

There are new standards for administrators posted on the ISTE site. They were released this summer at NECC in Washington DC. Each year, ISTE looks at a set of standards. The committee resubmits the standards. The teacher standards were updated in 2008 and the student standards were updated in 2007.
If you have not reviewed the NETS technology standards for these three groups, you should take a few minutes and look them over. Then kick up your heels and celebrate the things you are already teaching!! I would bet you can then focus on a standard to integrate into your Science or Reading curriculum this fall! There is my challenge for you!
Anyone up for accepting the challenge?

Welcome! Thoughts...

I have thought and thought how to distribute information I come across in my reading to my colleagues and friends. I finally decided to post a blog and you can access the information as you like. I will try to focus on internet sites, curriculum resources as well as just tips and articles I run across where I think dang..I wish people would read this!
Enjoy. Velma